Approving the increase of the number of beds and adding clinics or private wings or any other health service

Estimated Time:

Two weeks after inspecting the location


Health Professions and Institutions Licensing Directorate/ Private Hospitals and Medical Laboratories Licensing Department

Estimated Fee:

100 JD for each new bed

  • Description
  • Procedures
  • Required Documents
  • Persons benefiting from the service
  • Files
  • Related Services


Conditions for obtaining service




Partner institutions:



  1. Referring to Health Institutions Licensing Department, and providing it with an official letter specifying the requested service and attaching all the required documents to be audited and accredited.
  2. Referring to the register of Health Professions and Institutions Licensing Directorate and presenting the official letter and its attachments, and documenting it and giving it an import number.
  3. Transferring the application to the director of Health Professions and Institutions Licensing Directorate to review and transfer it to the Health Institutions Licensing Department.
  4. Presenting the service application and its attachments to the committee of private hospitals (every Wednesday of each week), where the application is examined and the report prepared.
  5. If the conditions are incomplete, the applicant is provided with an official letter to complete the conditions.
  6. If the conditions are complete the location is inspected to ensure compliance with the conditions.
  7. delivering the applicant an approval signed by the Minister. 

Required Documents

  1. An official letter from the hospital manager specifying the requested service.
  2. Engineering expansion plans based on the type (increasing number of beds/ clinics / or any other health service).
  3. Land registration deed if the expansion was on a new land and not belonging to the hospital based on licensing. 

Persons benefiting from the service

Licensed private hospitals 


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